today is by far the craziest day ever since i came onboard the marinabaysands family. we were running at a thousand and one percent instead of the normal 90 ++ % that all hotels are handling. its so unbelievable that even with 40 check in counters, we are constantly having long queues at the counter. and wurts worst is that we had no rooms and its kinda sad when the guest walks away dissppointed in you and the hotel. but wells, its the first day that most departments are handling checkouts, so i guess its normal. i just pray that april 27 would be fantastic and that we can show the world wurt we have gort here at marinabaysands.
;well, but conquering this together with my fellow agents and managers did made me feel so relieved that i chose to be part of them. i see sucha strong bond between all of us and indeed, i never really felt any dissappointment in my managers. they lead well, they do.
and im really proud of them for being there for us agents all the tyme. they might nort have been perfect but they neve once gave up trying and helping us.
i tink i was really touched by how some reallyy helped me today. it made me teared silently in my heart cox i was reallyyyy very grateful for all that they've put in for us.
go front office! i see us moving together a longg way.
and of cox, i hope things stays this way.
;and on a personal note, i miss jt.
sometymes i wish we were both just holding office jobs whereby we'll have no trouble having at least dinner together anytyme of the week.
but ohwells, absence makes the heart fonder. i guess?